Climate Risk Database
Climate Risk Database (CRD) is an open-access geospatial data service for storing, managing and publishing climate resilience related datasets from Tanzania. The user base are educators, researchers, students, urban planners, NGOs, and the civil society within the field of urban resilience. The service currently contains 133 openly shared datasets from mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
The datasets come from various Tanzania Urban Resilience Program (TURP) initiatives, Resilience Academy activities, Tanzanian governmental offices and third-party data providers. Climate Risk Database is closely linked to Resilience Academy E-learning and skills development, Industrial Placement and research activities, and thus it is already a valuable open-access learning and service platform for geospatial and ICT data management, analysis and visualisation.
Access to digital data sets is a pre-requisite for understanding risks and developing evidence-based solutions for resilient urban development